1. How long are sessions?

Typically 60 or 75 minutes.

2. What does a session look like?

That's a great question!  You can read more about a typical session, or you can contact me to discuss more.

3. How many sessions will it take for me to reach my goals? How long do you think I'll need to work on this?

This is a question I get often. And just after someone asks that question, they usually say, "I know that may not be something you can answer or determine." Yes, that's true. That's a hard question to answer because there are so many variables that I just don't know; how quickly you learn or change patterns, how stuck you are in your dynamics, if working with a couple how resourced are they in their relationship, do they come in with resentment? That can take a lot more time if there is resentment in the relationship. How committed are you to the work?, etc.

It also depends on what your intentions are. Some people come in with a goal in mind, and when that goal is reached they are done and move on. Other people come in and use the work as a space to check-in on themselves and for continual personal growth work.

But I can say that on average the pattern seems to be anywhere between 6 months to 1.5 years. With some clients staying as long as 3 years or more if they approach sessions as a form of self-care/personal growth.


4. How much do sessions cost?

$230/60- minutes and $260/75-minutes

5. Do you have a sliding scale?

I do offer a sliding scale for those in need. The way I work sliding scale with clients is that I ask you to check in with yourself and your finances on how much you can put towards coaching on a monthly basis. You can then let me know what this number is and we can then figure out how often we see each other, how long the session will be, and what the fee will be.

6. Where are you located?

I am located in Washington, DC. I see clients in-person on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 9:00am -2:30pm EST.

7. Do you work with clients that don't live in DC? How so? What are the options?

Yes!  I've been working with clients online for 9 years now with great success.  

8. Will our sessions be confidential?

Absolutely! I know sexuality can be a very personal topic and I want to assure you that your identity as a client and all you say in sessions is confidential. Aside from financial records, any notes I keep about you for our records will not have your name or identifying information associated with them. If I am working with you as a couple, and also seeing you in individual sessions, I WILL NOT share any information with your partner that you tell me in your individual sessions. I believe it is your job to negotiate your relationship and I want to make sure that each individual has a place for full disclosure. This can help each person clarify what they are doing and how it may impact their relationship and make decisions with which each of you are in alignment.

9. How do you work?

My work is a blend of my graduate level education in Marriage and Family Counseling and training through the Somatica Institute , The Hakomi Method, and Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS).  I work in both talk and touch-based modalities.  Check out About Me to read more about my approach.

10. How is your work similar or different than regular psychotherapy?

There are some important differences in how my work differs from psychotherapy or sex therapy.  Read about it here or reach out to me if you have additional questions.